Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Joy of the Lord is my strength

Some days it is easy to praise God.

This morning was the first meeting of our new Bible study class. It went well. We began studying the book of James, which opens with a passage about trials and enduring them as part of Christian growth and ultimately spiritual maturity.

After Bible study, Monica, Joshua, and I were in the worship service while Joseph was in the nursery as usual. Just as Pastor Steve was starting the sermon for the morning, Ms. Janet, one of the nursery caregivers, came into the sanctuary and tapped me on the shoulder with a worried look on her face - not something a parent wants to see! As I walked out of the sanctuary and followed her back to the gym where the kids were, she explained to me how he had managed to flip off a skateboard and hit his face on the floor of the gym, creating a pretty nasty gash in his lower lip. When I got to him, he was pretty calm (more so than I was). He was not bleeding too badly and the injury could have been worse, but we decided to leave church and take him in to get it checked out and make sure he didn't need stitches. He was able to explain in detail (In 3 year old parlance) what had happened, telling us the story of the entire morning leading up to the fall in the process. What a trooper.

In the car, as we began to drive away from the church to a minor emergency clinic, he looked at his brother and said, "Do you like it?" "What?" Joshua replied. "My cut," Joseph said with a fair amount of pride in his voice and a smile on his face, as if it were a championship trophy he had earned. That's our son. Instant Joy and laughter followed.

Visited the stitches...just an antibiotic…praise God.

Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Nehemiah 8:10

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